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Friday, June 14, 2013

Featured Artist: Joe Ziolkowski of Lewistown Montana

 Me: So when were you born, our friends might want to... know since you look like you are 17.
Joe: Ha, I was born on March 12, 1975
Me: I am not good at math, how old does that make you?
Joe: 38
Me: When did you know you loved to paint?
Joe: Probably at age 6. I can remember my brother Peter working on art on the kitchen table and I was always in the middle of that.
Me: So there are other artists in your family?
Joe: Yes. My grandpa Mac, my Mom's Dad, used to carve diamond willow. There is still a piece of his above the bar at the Cascade Bar. Mom was an artist at heart, she was active in choir, loved to cook, and was very "crafty" with cross stitching. Dad loves music/jazz, and would use his hands a lot making birdhouses and planters.
Me: You are the youngest of how many?
Joe: 6
Me: Me too!
Joe: My grandma on my Mom's side was also a poet and a singer and played piano.
Me: Wow, there are a lot of artists in your lineage. When did you know you wanted to be an Artist?
Joe: Always, since I was 4 probably.
Me: Sophie (Joes' daughter) seems to be an up and coming.
Joe: Oh yes, for sure.
Me: What advice would you give her?
Joe: I would tell her to involve technology and don't quit your day job. (laughs) I had some really good advice from passed mentors that I would pass on: Learn how to do three things really well.
Me: Great advice. You went to the Art Institute in Seattle?
Joe: Yes, the technology centrifuge was just beginning then so I missed out on the computer animation.
Me: What do you define yourself as?
Joe: Look this up on Wiki: photo impressionist.
Me: Wow OK.
Joe: (laughs) It's about painting what you see. Taking a photo of something you want to capture and painting that. It means defining proportions, tones, shadow, contrast, "painting what you see".
Me: What advice do you give to up and coming artists?
Joe: Involve technology, learn, solidify and perfect your drawing skills. Animation all the way.
Me: Where can people see and buy your paintings?
Joe: The Lewistown Art Center, Caye Gallery, 618 Coffee, Coffee Cup, Moccasin Mtn Gallery, Lewistown Insurance, Baldy View Realty and on my website:
Me: Wow, thanks Joe. You kinda rock.
Joe: Well thanks.
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